Thursday, June 11, 2009

Maggie's 2 month check up

Maggie had her 2 month check up and she weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz.!! Yeah. After her slow weight gain at the beginning, it is good to see that she is gaining. She is 'talking' a lot now. It is so cute to see the faces she makes when she is trying to get those 'words' out. ;o)
I have sent all of the releases to the doctors for Justin's medical records. I am having them all sent to the spina bifida clinic in Albuquerque. He has an appointment there in September. He has been having a lot of back pain lately. Please pray that it isn't anything serious. He thinks it is tethered cord again. I hope not.
The rest of us are doing fine. Justin turned 17, Saira turned 10. Marcus will be 16 next month. It is hard to think of him that young, because he is so tall. I think he is 6 foot 2 inches now. Alec is finally starting to get some height. He is taller than my mom now. That was always my goal - to be taller than my mom. She is only 5 foot 2.
We found a church that we have been going to. It seems nice. The people are friendly. It isn't 4th Church, though. They do have a 'passing of the peace', although they don't call it that. Their songs are pretty good. We have sung 1 or 2 that I know. The messages are pretty good. They have deacons but no elders. They have a spot every service that the deacons go up front and anyone that wants prayers can go forward and they pray for them there. A little different..... They have a website, . You can look it up if you want.
I will add a few pics for you to enjoy. They are of Maggie and of Saira's birthday.


Adrienne, Hanna, Hayden & Garrett said...

Congratulations on the 2month check up and the move to NM! Wow...2 months to a 17year old! My husband and I are LOBO alumns from UNM and his whole family is in ABQ.

MommaKathi said...

thanks! It is a small world!